Visual Impact are putting the DSi’s camera to pretty good use in their new game, System Flaw, that relies on the environment for its mechanics. Publisher Enjoy Gaming are calling it an "augmented reality game." Here’s their description:

The mission is to hunt down alien invaders – the Flaw – who are only visible through the DSi, and the radar tracker screen gets the player gyrating and spinning from room to room or running outside in pursuit! Developed by Visual Impact, System Flaw features 100 levels of enemies which seem to appear right out of the real-time environment of the gamer. The game has also generated great interest before its launch being awarded the "Best Innovation" nomination by Agence Française pour le Jeu Vidéo.

System Flaw is out this week in the U.S. and in February 2010 in Europe. It sounds like an interesting concept, and it’s nice to see more developers starting to explore the DSi.