Grey posted this news:

Alright, Half-Life 2: Episode One is done and over with. It's a little short, but an awesome game, and I can't wait for Episode Two. So now it's time to start thinking about Dissonance again. I have been working on it off and on lately, but I had a problem in that my code base got so badly out of whack that I had to resync back to my last working subversion revision. So I lost about maybe 100 - 200 lines of code that didn't work right. I also started playing with the CVS dswifi library again, and unfortunately it doesn't fix the #1 bug, so I'm going to try to get a simple test app to sgstair to demonstrate the problem that I have. Depending on how much I get done, I might release a 0.2.2 release if dswifi is fixed before I get playlist support finished. If I were to release such a thing right at this very minute, it would probably feature an easy way of changing stations, and not much more. I am hoping to have playlist support, a code cleanup, and increased volume before the next release, but we'll see how that goes. I am intending to release the next version within a day or two of the first working release of dswifi. So anyway, that's my status report for the time being.

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