Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has told a business briefing in Tokyo that the company will unveil the price and release date for the Wii at the very latest by September.

Okay, it's scarcely earth-shattering news, but at least we now know it's named the day, erm, when it'll name the day, which is just the excuse we need to indulge in a little informed Wii launch speculation.

Nintendo clearly has to get the console in shops in time for Christmas and it also probably has to take into account the launch of the PS3 on November 17.

Although we won't be naming our sources, our latest enquires have yielded an early December release for the Wii as the latest candidate, which would give it some clear blue water from the PS3 and plunge it straight into the Christmas shopping feeding frenzy.

Of course, Nintendo could surprise us all by going even earlier and stealing a march on Sony's launch, but early December is what the word on the street is currently saying. If wii dig up any more, we'll be sure to let you know.