PC Watch, a japanese software/ hardware news site have sat down with Ken Kutaragi of Sony Japan ("The Father of Playstation") for an interview about Playstation 3 video entertainment system.

A very kind spirit called Viano at E-mpire forums has translated the most interesting parts of the article:

- games on PS3 are running on the PS3 with "basic configuration"
- software will have different relationship with hardware (including non-gaming applications) in the future
- software module will be made inside the PS3 (such as OS?) so PS3 will have no problem adopting new hardware parts (this doesn't mean you can upgrade but just different versions of PS3)
- thus two models of PS3 are actually two different configurations, there might be other configurations in future, such as: enhanced version of CELL, more memory etc. The higher-end model of PS3 might be released in future.

Via Evil Avatar