Sales of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have hit 1.78 million units in the UK, according to the latest data released by ELSPA/GfK-ChartTrack.

Last week first day sales in the UK were estimated at 1.23 million units, grossing revenues of approximately GBP 48 million. Units sold to date - in the game's first five days - have now been put at 1.78 million, creating revenues of GBP 67.4 million.

According to ELSPA this is the highest grossing figure for any video game launch in the UK and "amongst the biggest entertainment events in history".

"These figures tell a clear story. The video games industry is now an established part of the mainstream entertainment mix. Whilst the launch of Modern Warfare 2 has indeed been extraordinary, it is indicative of the growing popularity of video games. One in three people in the UK now play videogames regularly," said ELSPA director general Michael Rawlinson.

Combined first day sales of the game in the UK and U.S. are estimated to have generated USD 310 million for Activision.

The launch of the game has also seen Xbox Live register its greatest ever number of concurrent users, while simultaneously causing outages on PlayStation Network.