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Thread: Fit or Fugly - play now!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Nov 2009
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    Default Fit or Fugly - play now!

    Hi there,

    I would like to introduce my first iPhone app - Fit or Fugly, that has just been released. Fit or Fugly is intended to bring more fun than practical usefullness, though it utilizes a science-based approach to measuring attractiveness of a human face. Hope it will be enjoyed by iPhone and iPod users!

    Here are a couple of Fit or Fugly screenshots:


    For centuries men and women have done their upmost to make themselves as attractive as possible to the opposite sex but up until now there was no way of determining how attractive a face actually is.

    Now you can scientifically calculate how 'Fit or Fugly' your face or any other face that you care to photograph. This application utilises Fibonnaci's golden ratio which is based on symmetries via key anchor points on a human face which is the eyes, ears, chin, mouth and nose. Symmetry is accepted as the base of attractiveness.

    So, either boost your confidence by discovering you are truly fit, or if the news is bad and you are fugly you can make the necessary changes to you appearance and lifestyle which may improve your attractiveness!

    *** Fit or Fugly can be used anywhere; ***

    - From the privacy of your bedroom
    - To break the ice at dinner parties
    - To liven up an otherwise dull day at work or school
    - Supporting your rational to ending a relationship
    - As a reason to declining an invitation to date
    - To simply measure you and your friends
    - Cracking banter with your mates

    There are no limits to the use of Fit or Fugly as it is equally effective on human faces irrespective of ethnicity, colour, age or race. It has even been known to work on pets.

    For more info visit;

    or email [email protected]

    Download, Have fun and Enjoy!

    iTunes Link:
    Last edited by Nashy; November 16th, 2009 at 20:42.

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    awesome, thanks for the news

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Nov 2009
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    You are welcome!

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