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Thread: Boxy II version 0.3a

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default things that need fixing

    theres a few problems that i found. There's random crashing, the full screen blackout (lasts for like a millisiceond but throws me off) and music. If there was an option to disable music that would be good. Also, if you could make it compatible wit mp3pro. I use nero to convert all my mp3's to mp3pro, but the game plays them at double speed. This is really annoying and all the voices are high pitched. Still about music, would be nice if the tracks could be randomised. Everytime I start the game, it plays the same tracks in the same order. Fixing these glitches/bugs would really inprove my boxy II gaming experience!

  2. #12
    DCEmu Coder
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    Hi thanks for the feedback,

    first of all, i'm busy making the mp3player random(almost done now) i also got sick of the not randomness of the musicplayer :S

    As for the blackscreen thing, I still don't know what is causing this, has to do something with behaviour of the psp functions/refreshrate but i am not sure (guess i do to much in one cycle so it can't refresh and then it will be black but i am not sure.)

    As for the mp3, i have also some mp3's that have these high voices, the problem however is that i have not made the mp3 playing sound, it is very difficult for me to understand :S but however i will look into it since it will teach me alot.

    Also i have made an option to turn off the music and turn the music to random or normal

    with the normal music mode you can also go back a song with the L button

    frmariam i see what you mean i and think i know what is wrong, thank you for the screens

    EDIT: I have reached some very far level also i have made the leveling difficult a bit more quicker so that you notice the speed change also in the next release

    for the random crashes :S i still don't know whats causing them... it is also very hard to debug them on a psp because for some reason a crash debug register code doesn't work for me so i can't really do anything besides just debug some text in the functions and hope to see whats wrong but when you reach level 17 and no crash has occured it means that you play for 51 minutes or more before the error occurs so debugging goes very slow... sorry for that

  3. #13
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Cool thanks thanks thanks

    this is my favorite homebrew game on the psp (random crashes suck though)

    thanks for your hard work.

    maybe one day i'll be able to play past level 3 without crashes (usually it's level 1)

    until that day comes, i'll keep playing and practicing

    i'll post anything i find to help fixing the crashes, but for the moment, they just seem ... random

  4. #14
    PSP User dtothabreezy's Avatar
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    Default love it

    this games great only if it didnt crash so much

  5. #15
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Great news on the mp3 player

    Just hope you eventualy find the cause of the random crashes... It seems like there may be memory leaks (only reached 17 once since most time it'll crash way before that...). Once this one is out the game will be way more fun

  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default yay!!!

    Yeehaa! that's great work! Excellent! If only I could code.. The best i can do is a bit of VB for my computing coursework....
    Anyways keep going, this homebrew is :Unreal Tournament voice: "Wicked Sick!" :End Unreal Tournament voice:

  7. #17
    DCEmu Coder
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    Hi folks,

    first of all i have made some tweaks regarding the special block so with my gameplay i get much less random crashes but 1 still remains and it always is there right before alot of blocks have to be deleted. so i am close to the solution (wasn't it that sometimes i play for like an half an hour and still i haven't gotten the error :S

    as for the memory leaks, when i display my free memory on my psp during the game it is always constant and does not change during play and there is enough so i guess there isn't a memory loop, what i think that can be the problem is that i have somewhere a increment variable integer which in this case exceeds the maximum for an integer resulting in a crash but i am not sure.

    greets ghoti

  8. #18
    DCEmu Newbie
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    ooh about the music, the problem i have about ot playing at double speed and high pitch also happens with fileassistant and used to happen in pspradio. I dont know how, but it seems they fixed it in pspradio. btw this doesn't happen with my normal, uncompressed mp3's. Maybe it's to do with the sampling frequency? With the compressed ones it says they are 22.050 KHz compared with 44.100 KHz in a normal mp3. I don't know, but if it isn't that, then it may be bit rate? Because the highest in mp3 pro is 96Kbps. MP3Pro is supposed to be twice as good as the said bit rate. I.e. 96 Kbps would be as good as the same at 192 Kbps.
    Just trying to help!

  9. #19
    PSP User dtothabreezy's Avatar
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    Default moddable

    can you make it so we can make themes i think you already can but i want you to say its ok before i start changin your stuff around

  10. #20
    DCEmu Coder
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    you can make and are allowed to make themes (it is the whole fun of it )Just let the names of the images be the same and the directory has to be a number that follows the last in the themes directory (or you can just overwrite mine)

    please note however that changes can be made by me (like in the next build i have added 2 images with the themes)(not with your themes but with the game i can make changes)

    but extra themes are welcome, it was the whole fun of it, i also mentioned it during the release of my first build but then the people didn't reply on that so i thought that there were no people wwho wanted to make themes therefor i didn't included the describing of the theme making in my releases after that.

    I'll hope there will be more people

    greetings Ghoti

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