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Thread: Be Nice to Noobs

  1. #1

    Exclamation Be Nice to Noobs

    Let me tell you from experience there is a fine line between ignorance and stupidity. But there is a difference. Ignorance is not knowing better. Stupidity is just a lack of understanding or knowledge by lack of trying.

    So I see people all the time flame Noobs. Even Noobs, trying to be cool will flame other Noobs.

    Grow up people. First of all it's the internet, and truly any of us taking the time to sit here and type a forum message are geeks. Live with it. If we were the elite cool people in the world we would have much more important/better things to do. So I say don't think you are better than someone just because they don't know.

    Show them where to find the information. Help them and point them in the right direction. Not everyone is technical, in fact some people may not ever grasp the concepts behind homebrew or emulation or whatever the topic in question is.

    It's one thing to have fun by making fun of your friends online, it's another to be a complete asshole to somebody who just didn't know better.

    I know it can be frustrating to reply to the same questions over and over and over again. But do you remember when you were a complete noob? I do and still consider myself a noob. All most of them, (except for the idiots who come online just to start flamewars), want is to be helped to understand what it is they have to do.

    I personally hope this board turns out to be more helpful than most when it comes to Noobs. I know I will try to reply to a Noobs question to the best of my ability.
    This goes double for Mods I would think as they are there to "Moderate" the boards and forums. i.e; to help.

    I can almost imagine the flaming I may get for posting this. But I can handle it. I'm a grown up. But I also remember how frustrating it was to try to learn sopmething just to have someone tell you off, because you weren't familiar with the scene and didn't know where to look.

    Something to consider the next time a Noob asks a question like; "What is Homebrew and how do I install it."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro bullhead's Avatar
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    Well said, but that post would be more at home at a number of other psp forums I cant mention. Everyone who posts at this site is mature enough as far as I can tell. I dont see much flaming here ever. The mods do a great job to.
    I doubt there will be any flaming responses to your thread.

  3. #3
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    I even expect a newbie to at least use the search function or google. The more effort that someone puts into a post, the more effort I use in replying.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by yaustar
    I even expect a newbie to at least use the search function or google. The more effort that someone puts into a post, the more effort I use in replying.

    I agree Noobs should use the search. I don't wanna help lazy Noobs. But when someone says they searched and could not find the answer I have no problem helping them.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    n00bs can flame just as much as others most occasions.

    They tend not to :
    1) Read the rules
    2) Read the FAQ's

    This happens on EVERY site.
    Worst case i have seen is

    In the finding Old games topic some just tend to say This game was a shooting game and THATS IT!
    You guessed it right, no more explainations, no ideas etc...

    So you gotta admit being asked the same question about 50 times is not good..

    Before I came here (as a PSP homebrew newbie) I done my research on downgrading, 1.50, emulator sources (psp-news wasnt really developed at that time, PSPupdates was the source), i never asked for help :P

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by wally
    n00bs can flame just as much as others most occasions.

    They tend not to :
    1) Read the rules
    2) Read the FAQ's

    This happens on EVERY site.
    Worst case i have seen is

    In the finding Old games topic some just tend to say This game was a shooting game and THATS IT!
    You guessed it right, no more explainations, no ideas etc...

    So you gotta admit being asked the same question about 50 times is not good..

    Before I came here (as a PSP homebrew newbie) I done my research on downgrading, 1.50, emulator sources (psp-news wasnt really developed at that time, PSPupdates was the source), i never asked for help :P
    Well Wally you may never have asked for help, but sometimes people do and they ask it legitimately.
    For example I have a tech support background for PC's yet I had no idea how the file structure worked for the PSP. I did some research and found out most of what I needed to know, but still had questions.
    So I asked and luckily I got the answers I was seeking at the time.

    And I also agree being asked the same question 50 times is not cool, unless you're answering different people and they have searched for the answer for awhile and have had no luck.
    then it's a matter of do you give everyone a fair chance and consider that they are not lying when they say that they looked it up but could not find it, or do you act like a $#@! from the beginning and tell them off for being a useless Noob who is too lazy even though they could be for real?

    Tough choice and I can honestly see both sides of the argument, but for me if I can answer a question and the person i am answering has not flooded the forums with stupid posts then I will try to help, at least once.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    You really like talking about noobs alot, huh?
    Not that its bad, seeing as noobs have became part of our everyday lives. We take them in through fish with noobery poisoning and then digest them. I wont go any further then that, though. Just beware- too much noobery poisoning can lead to lower IQ levels.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Cool Sorry guys,

    gotta move this thread to off topic.
    It doesnt belong in psp homebrew and emulation

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro xuphorz's Avatar
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    noobs, some of them are annoying (ONES THAT TALK IN ALL CAPS FOR NO APPARENT REASON), some are very helpful, like when shadowprop, kaiser, and quzra where noobies, they were probly very nice/good

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