Wii games could retail for $50 (around £27) according to US retailer Best Buy.

Three games - Red Steel, Super Smash Bros Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy - are listed in the Wii section of the US website, each with the release date of 1 December 2006 and a price tag of $50.

As Nintendo is yet to make an official statement on the price of software for its next console this is undoubtedly a place holder set by Best Buy, but it does make for a good rough estimate from the experienced retailer.

At least US gamers know how much the console will cost thanks to Nintendo's recent statement confirming that Wii "will not exceed $250 in America'".

As for the UK, we've still got some time before we know exactly how much we'll need to save. When we spoke to a Nintendo UK representative today they told us that there isn't a fixed date for a UK pricing announcement. It is widely expected that the console will cost around £150, however.

Via Gamesradar