News/release from Bubbletune

This plugin allows you to categorize your games/homebrew. It comes with three modes, a mode which makes a context menu pop up each time you open your Game Menu and lets you choose the category, a mode which displays multiple memory stick icons, one for each category, and finally a complete replacement for the Game menu based on the Photo modules.

-= Game Categories Revised v11 =-

- Fixed a bug introduced in v10 that caused a lot of homebrew to malfunction.

-= Game Categories Revised v10 =-

- Added option under 'Network Update' to update Game Categories.
- Hiding Uncategorized now works for Content Browser mode aswell.
- Fixed incompatibility with various plugins with Content Browser mode.
- Photo Player loaded if you listened to Music before going to Content Browser, fixed.
- Added option to System Settings to show/hide uncategorized (text file no longer works).
- Built-in Game Categories of GEN will be automatically disabled now.
- Optimized to reduce plugin size.

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