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byuu has released a bug fixed version of its SNES emulator bsnes for Windows and Linux.

I´m really sorry about this, but a major issue snuck into v056. It was caused by a bug in the newly released Qt 4.6.0 RC1. Whenever one moved the mouse cursor over the main window in the Windows port, the frame rate was immediately cut in half, which effectively ruined Mouse, Super Scope and Justifier support. As for how this could happen, well ... I´m ... really at a loss for words about this.

This release does not change the source code at all except to increment the version number, and it is built against Qt 4.6.0 beta 1 instead of 4.6.0 release candidate 1 as v055 was.

I will file an official bug complaint and post a link to it here during next week. Again, my apologies for any inconvenience. I incorrectly assumed it would be safe to update to RC1, and didn´t spot the bug in time.