Kode has released a new version of his Ruby interpreter for the PSP and because i havent a clue what it is (apart from the fact it is for devs only) ill hand over to the coder for his explanation:


So, this is the 24th binary package I provide ( I know no one care. At least, I don't. That's why there are no 1.0 or whatever... ).

I improved the exception handling.

As you can see in this beautifull screen, the error is explained, and its backtrace is shown. It's also saved in a file, if you need the error message. In the past, the PSP would have crashed (exit would have been called).

Even more : No exceptions were raised when that error occured. So it's really better now

Such exceptions are raised with sounds, and fonts.

Fonts ! Now, Intrafonts are managed by the ressource manager. Just for the fun, look at the sample

( Not that I am a fan of my nickame, but I needed a word with non-ASCII characters... )

After the first loading, loading them is very fast (as it is for sprites).

Still with Intrafont... There are now wrappers for Geecko's libraries, Console and Console2d, which allow to create text-based applications.

Another funny thing : with GameMap, you can draw an object at the same time as the map, depending on its ordinate. So, items with a lower ordinate are drawn at first and thus, they're shown under items which are in front of them.

Download here