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Quick status report for psx4iphone and gpSPhone coming right at cha!

psx4iphone v1.0.0 currently does not work on any device with firmware greater than 3.0. I have a build that now works with newer firmwares and will be releasing it shortly. Hopefully tomorrow, but don’t hold me to it.

gpSPhone currently works with all 2.x and 3.x firmwares on all devices. But there’s a catch. DevTeam messed up a kernel patch in the latest 3.1.x jailbreaks (confirmed by saurik) that affects only the iPhone 3g. If you have an iPhone 3g and use 3.1.x jailbroken with pwnagetool, there’s a fix for gpSPhone (as well as the upcoming psx4iphone). Simply run blackra1n on your current iPhone 3g firmware. It won’t erase anything or do any harm. It will however fix the issue at hand, and allow gpSPhone and the next psx4iphone to run.
