The Suikogaiden Translation Project website has been up and running for over a year, and I’m happy to say we have been and are making good progress. Our goal is to translate Suikogaiden 1 and create an English patch for the game, eventually moving on to Suikogaiden 2.

Currently, the rough translation of one “chapter” is complete; Suikogaiden 1 is divided up into four chapters. The other chapters are still in progress–at a rough estimate, we’re probably 35% or 40% done with the initial translation. Patching work has also begun, though the technical field not being my area of expertise I couldn’t say exactly how far along we are. Perhaps 20%, looking at the most recent estimate.

Someone recently mentioned getting the word out about the Suikogaiden Translation Project here at, so I thought I’d give it a go. We’re always open for suggestions regarding the translation–corrections or suggestions can be posted in the forums or e-mailed to me at [email protected] . Fans and cheering support are always welcome, too. :3,9887.html