Not (un)lucky enough to attend the man-filled E3 expo in Los Angeles next year? Well according to an online survey all the games, sounds and huge ankle blisters of the annual event will soon be making their way to Xbox Live (well, maybe not the last one)

The online survery asks you to imagine "that interactive, online versions of E3, BlizzCon, GamesCon, ComicCon and every other major video game convention were made available through Xbox Live."

The questionnaire explains that the "Virtual Video Game Convention Service" would be free on Xbox Live and let players party up with mates and walk around a virtual show floor using their Avatar.

Booths from all the major gaming companies would be included, it says, and participants could check out videos, trailers, developer interviews and even game demos and betas if they were available. Keynote addresses would also be streamed live.

Now, all MS has left to do is find a way to teleport booth babes, free lanyards and copious amounts of beer into your living room and the E3 experience is nearly complete.