Nintendo’s Wii has become the fastest-selling home console in the history of the UK, surpassing six million sales after just three years on the market.
According to GfK-ChartTrack upweighted data, the console hit the milestone in week 48 this year – exactly two years and 51 weeks after it went on sale.
The console was given a boost by the launch of the black Wii in mid-November.
“Wii launched in December, 2006 and sold 185,000 in just a few weeks,” explained GfK-ChartTrack director Dorian Bloch.
“In calendar year 2007, it sold 1.81 million – but really took off in 2008, with 2.73 million sold. So far in 2009, it’s hit 1.31 million – but it’s got a few weeks to build on that before Christmas.”

The Wii still has some way to go to catch the UK’s best-selling console of all time, which at last count was Sony’s PS2. The system has sold through a whopping 10 million units to date.