It's starting. [Live updating]
6:05: Logging into the Warner Bros. BD-Live account now.
6:08: There's a Harry Potter one on December 12, apparently.
6:12: Trying to figure out how to log into this commentary.
6:12: Sorry, I may have already had a few beers before this thing started.
6:15: I think it's the Director's Cut disc...
6:16: Still loading. It's a good thing I saw this movie already.
6:17: This IS December 5th right?? Why are there no screenings available?
6:25: OK I'm in. Had to join the session by joining the invite from an email. My fault.
6:26: Strange, it seems to be text only. I thought this thing was going to have audio.
6:29: There's even an option to have Event Audio "on", but it's not working.
6:30: Someone just asked him what's up with the name "McG"
6:30: Long silence.
6:31: He explains his mom actually came up with the idea to call him McG.

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