I am pleased to release a development version of my PSP port of the Frotz Z-Machine interpreter, Frotz-PSP! Attached is the installation package with full GPL v3 source code and instructive readme.txt .

This application enables you to play interactive fiction games such as the Zork trilogy and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on your PSP.

Note that the Frotz Z-Machine interpreter is a wonderful piece of GPL software created and contributed to by Stefan Jokisch, Galen Hazelwood, Jim Dunleavy, David Griffith, Alembic Petrofsky, and Daniel Schepler, an possibly others. All I did was to port it to the PSP and add a non-keyboard interface and a few other minor features.

As I am not terribly well versed in interactive fiction I decided it would be best to release this not quite finished version to get some feedback from users. This version is very usable and works very well with the Zork games. Saving and loading works (although it is somewhat slow), entering text, copy and pasting text, and selecting text from the output window all work well.

I would like to get feedback about wanted features, game compatibility and bugs.

Project Home Page (with readme)

New to IF? Still want to try Frotz-PSP? Try downloading one of the Zork games (I recommend Zork 2) for free from the rights holders here (NOTE TO MODS: This is a 100% legal download from the rights holders, not a ROM download). Grab the DATA/ZORK2.DAT file from the download and put it somewhere on your PSP. Then read this getting started guide to help you along.

NOTE: Interactive Fiction games are not like MUDs. These are more like graphical adventure games. Very little combat, no leveling, lots of puzzles and exploration.
