Pixel Qi's ePaper-LCD hybrid screen 10-inch screens will invade the world in 2010. Or at least, some of it and parts of New Jersey. She says that the first units are going into "specialized multi-touch tablet devices." Hmmmm...
We can now announce that the first units are going into specialized tablet devices with multi-touch. Increasingly these screens will be super-slim, but some customers prefer the standard thickness.
Pixel Qi will be at CES in Las Vegas in early January supporting our customers. We can't yet announce with whom we will be showing but hope to shortly.
Oh noes. Your client will be at CES? And they may not be interested in super-slim screens? Then that's not you-know-who, the company whose obsession with thinness is inversely proportional to their interest in CES. Too bad, but I still have hope. [Pixel Qi
[PixelQ via Netbook News via Slashgear]

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