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Free Heroes2 Engine is a free implementation of Heroes of the Might and Magic II engine using SDL.

SVN - up to r1374

Nov, 27, 2009
+ fixed multiple pickup maps event
+ fixed sounds in battle being clipped. Stop battle music at end of battle summary.
+ added new mixer code, alternative sound load update code, reduce memory usage

Nov, 8, 2009
+ fixed heroes fadein/fadeout
+ fixed multiple maps event
+ update mixer
+ added options alt resource, support ogg sounds
+ added options hide ai move
+ fixed obelisk action, updated open puzzle algorithm
+ added builtin icon (mingw32, mingw32ce)
+ update artifact Arm of the Martyr
+ added artifact Spell Scroll
+ fixed heroes action (meetings/battle) with other heroes (shipmaster)
+ added rescan path for heroes with new day
+ added check full bag artifacts for heroes;
+ added ActionToTravelersTent and ActionToBarrier
+ fixed battle: fix flag, fix count troop visible
+ fixed 65k count for battle troop

Oct, 22, 2009 - Development build, 1299
+ Updated size army for heroes/castles info
+ Updated save file format version
+ Updated AI move, fix redraw status window
+ Added support translation for name and description maps, maps messages
+ Fixed recruit hero with empty army
+ Fixed restore magic point for heroes
+ Added tap delay settings, update high scores dialogue
+ Added buy magic book for pocketpc version
+ Fixed capture abandoned mine, add AI action abandoned mine
+ Fixed AI move midi cd music
+ Added store high scores and update high scores dialogue
+ Added force lang options
+ Added translation for original map files (sign, rumors, events message, sphinx riddle)
+ Added emulation the right mouse button for tap mode
+ Added low memory actions
+ Update pocketpc dialogues
+ Fixed more problems with troops moving too close in battle.
+ Keep battle win/lose music from looping. Play the puzzle music when not using midi.
+ Fixed incorrect battle results being displayed when battling AI.
+ Fixed trolls starting with much more health than they should in battle.
+ Fixed various problems in battle causing troops to attack from too far away.

Oct, 7, 2009 - Development build, 1235
+ Fixed for Battle: DrawShadow and DrawCell support 8 bit for default depth, fast move cursor for battle scene, fix left click for move current troop, set cursor WAR_NONE after kick
+ added puzzle dialogue for pocketpc version, fix for redraw heroes move
+ added binary save format
+ few updates for pocketpc version
+ added buy boat and marketplace dialogue for pocketpc
+ added tap mode and offset pointer settings for pocketpc (one touch as mouse click)


Sep, 28, 2009 - Development build, 1210
+ More updates for pocketpc version