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PrBoom-plus is a Doom source port based on PrBoom.

Quote: @ 2009-Dec-07 13:29 - win32 build, sources
[+]Added an ability to smooth sprites edges ("OptionsGeneralOpenGL OptionsSmooth Sprite Edges"). Can reduces FPS noticeably. A "gl_mask_sprite_threshold" config variable for intensity of smoothing (0..100).
[+]Ability to see kills/secrets/items/time statistics in automap mode. Available at "OptionsSetupAutomap".
[-]Fixed crash in software mode at some resolutions when using ´Doom format´ or ´fit to width´ for ´Status Bar and Menu Appearance´.
[-]Missed fake contrast with "Fog Based" sector light mode.
[-]Player´s weapon was too dark in GL mode.
[-]Mouse look key and keys for changing game speed do not break cheats typing.
[-]Fixed small glitches on Boom HUD graphics in GL mode. @ 2009-Nov-14
[+]Added an "sdl_video_window_pos" config variable. Syntax:

sdl_video_window_pos "center"
sdl_video_window_pos "100,100"
sdl_video_window_pos ""

[+]Access violation emulation for the "S1 Floor Raise Donut (changes texture) (9)" action in demo compatibility mode. "-donut floorheight floorpic" - takes custom values, overriding the program´s default values ("-donut 0xF1000000 7", for DOSBox behavior). Disabled by default. [*]Updated to newest SDL libraries: SDL.dll v1.2.14, SDL_net.dll v1.2.9. [*]The "Sky Mode" GUI setting and "gl_drawskys" config variable have been removed. Now "SkyBox" is used if mouse look is enabled, "Standard Sky" otherwise. There is no more sky stretching with "SkyBox" mode.
[-]Fixed stat screen animation for The Ultimate Doom and the Doom II cast BOSSBACK after MAP30 when using ´not adjusted´ rendering.
[-]Fixed detail walls when "GL_ARB_multitexture" extension is not supported or gl_compatibility is used.
[-]Fixed bug where music doesn´t change after IDMUS is used and a New Game is started.
[-]Fixed bug where using the "End Level" key while a demo is paused breaks the "End Level" feature.
[-]Fixed vertical scrolling of sky texture in SkyBox mode.
[-]Now the mirror flag for MBF skies is used in SkyBox mode.
[-]Fixed music playback on Windows Vista and 7.