Grey posted this news:

Today, I wrote the playlist parsing "class". I plan to do the same for ui, decoding, networking, and stations (again). The goal is to rework Dissonance in a way that allows me to develop it for Linux, with a DS port. This will significantly improve testing time, and clean up the code base. All I have to do is hide the inner workings of the DS specific stuff such as graphics, sound, and networking, and use branching defines to select between them at compile time. This is of course how it should have been done from square one, but I just wanted to get it working before I started perfecting it, as I was (somewhat) new to C, and I had never done any low level networking before.

Like sgstair, I hesitate to give any sort of timeframe on the next release. But it should support playlists, have boosted volume, and a nicer interface. However, I am leaving the country for an extended period in 14 days, and I haven't even begun packing all my stuff to move it into storage yet. And finals are next week. So my time is going to be more valuable than ever. But good things come to those who are patient, right? Mind you, if I wanted to throw together another cludgey release like 0.2, I could probably release it today with boosted volume and playlists. But I don't even want to sync it to my SVN repository it's so broken at present. ;-)

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