Every single one of these dots are galaxies. It's the deepest look into the Universe yet, showing the oldest galaxies ever seen, 600 million years after the Big Bang. When I zoom into this ultra-high definition image, I feel overwhelmed.
Click to zoom in.
Just try to count all of those. And then multiply that number by 100 billion, the estimate of all the stars in our own galaxy. Then imagine all the worlds surrounding all those stars. And then play this video:

The image was taken in the same region as the most amazing photo Hubble Ultra Deep Field, which was taken in 2004 and is the deepest visible-light image of the universe.
Here's where the area is located:

The photo was taken in August 2009—with a total exposure of 173,000 seconds—by the new Wide Field Camera 3, which was installed by astronauts during the most dangerous shuttle mission ever. The WFC3 captures light from near-infrared wavelength which allows to see further into the Universe, as the light traveling from the most distant galaxies gets stretched "out of the ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum into near-infrared wavelengths by the expansion of the universe."
I would tell you what is expanding now, NASA. You and I alone. In the chat room. Now. [NASA]

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