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Jimmi and I proudly present version 0.5 of the PS2 remote debugger.

In this release, we significantly improved network transfer rates and game compatibility by optimizing/replacing code on the IOP side.

In detail, the changes are:

0.5 (Dec 8 2009)
- Replaced existing network modules with EEUG's SMSMAP.irx and SMSTCPIP.irx, and
optimized them for use in ps2rd (see below). This way, we almost doubled TCP
transfer rates to about 1MB/s.
- SMSMAP: try to force 100Mb/s full duplex mode.
- SMSTCPIP: modify lwIP TCP/IP stack to save as much IOP RAM as possible.
- Disabled netlog support and shrinked size of RPC buffer in debugger.irx.
- Reduced footprint of dev9.irx and added dev9x device driver to it.
- Do not use syscall 251 to store original vector of SifSetReg().
- Tweaked Makefiles (less verbose etc.)
- Added compiler flags to ntpbclient: -O2 -s -m32
- Fixed games:
Castlevania: COD - Demo
Devil May Cry
ICO - Demo
Maximo VS AoZ - Demo
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Soul Calibur 2
Soul Calibur 3
TMNT - The Movie
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Legend

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