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Thread: Emerson Arcadia 2001 a History

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News Emerson Arcadia 2001 a History

    Continuing our network wide feature for just about every console thats emulated and that we own, in time it can be used as a reference point for people to look at what games are the very best on each system

    Firstly heres a look at each system and a description to remind you of the history of the console.

    Emerson Arcadia 2001

    Emerson Arcadia 2001 was supposed to be the Atari 2600 killer. A great console with great games. Unfortunately they fell prey to complete lack of third party development, and the lack of Arcade game titles. Similar to other consoles before it, they were forced to release arcade clones.

    The system didn't grasp much attention, and soon found it's way to the bargain bin at the cost of $99. The release of the Colecovision months later sealed the Arcadia's fate. The Emerson Arcadia 2001 died after only a year and a half with 35 game releases. Most never recall it existed. Many clones of it (such as the Leonardo were released across the world though. It was also licensed and distributed in Japan by Bandai for 19,800 yen

    FACT: In an attempt to boost the system in advertisements. The Emerson Arcadia was said to have 24K of system RAM. This is actually a huge lie, and the single largest reason for historians and researchers to be VERY cautious about taking any sales-related statements at face value.

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  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie danknugz's Avatar
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    i always thought of myself as an emu buff, i've never heard of this system! it looks like a coleco did it with and intellevision.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro Hawq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danknugz View Post
    i always thought of myself as an emu buff, i've never heard of this system! it looks like a coleco did it with and intellevision.
    You'll find a good emulator for it here assuming you use windows, or an Amiga that can run that version of course though windows is more likely. It also emulates a few other systems from that time.

  4. #4


    I had one of these. My mom and dad got one as a gift for sitting through once of those timeshare sales pitches back in the early 80s. There were a couple of decent games but nothing spectacular, and I didn't play it for long. I ended up trading it for a Colecovision.

  5. #5


    Though what people generally think, the Emerson Arcadia 2001, is only a licensed system like many other ones software-compatible with it. But the Arcadia 2001 is certainly the most known one of these systems, explaining why this console group has often been called "Emerson Arcadia 2001 clones".

    Though it was the most popular system of this console group, it was not necessarily at the origin of it. Things must be seen differently. Philips / Signetics developped a hardware platform to demonstrate the possibilities of their Signetics 2650 & 2636 chipsets. Somehow, this hardware was licenced (by Philips) to many third-companies around the world resulting in systems like the Interton VC-4000, Voltmace DataBase, Acetronic MPU-1000, ITMC MPT-05, etc.


    Post by | Arnold

  6. #6
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    Here is the graphic quality is best.

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