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Thread: Undiluted Platinum - PSP Modchip News/Diagrams

  1. #31


    If you have a 1.5 psp, you should probably only get the modchip if a new game is released that you want, but it requires 2.7+ firmware.

    Other than that though, someone else mentioned that the modchip would herald in a new era of homebrew, which may mean that to access the best and newest homebrew games, you're going to need a modchip. As for soldering, good luck. I told my friend (who is an avid solderer) about the points and even he thought they seemed too close together to perform very easily, so it's obviously a tough job.

  2. #32
    DCEmu Regular Anger's Avatar
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    its going to be a nightmare for ANYONE regardless of skill because there so minute and one mistake and thats the end of your psp.

    picture this - your looking through a 10x magnification lense scraping the surface off a copper wire thats less than 1mm in thickness. now picture your hands being rock steady (they will have to be). now multiply that by about 20x and you get the scale of what must be done - and done PERFECTLY. i was considering this as i have done soldering on the xbox1 console and i wouldnt even consider doing this - its that hard.

    ill be waiting till:
    A. it is mass produced and/or becomes solderless.
    B. becomes cheaper to buy and install (£150 is the cost of a psp yet thats whats needed to buy this and have it installed)
    C. i win one in a competition. <---yeah right :P

    a real shame i was looking forward to this.

  3. #33
    DCEmu Old Pro pkmaximum's Avatar
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    I agree with the soldering skill that this mod chip is going to require it will probaly not even be worth tinkering with unless your a master at this like Ben Heck :P. What gets me the most is for a pre modded PSP your looking at $500 usd to me that makes no sense at all. Seeming the PSP cost $200 and the mod chip costs $90 there charging you $210 in just labor alone that is a major gyp!

  4. #34


    I also looked into having a company mod it for costs $150 (and I'm assuming that's without the price of the modchip included)

  5. #35
    DCEmu Old Pro mr_nick666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavenolife
    I also looked into having a company mod it for costs $150 (and I'm assuming that's without the price of the modchip included)
    Take it in to your local electronics repair shop and get them to do it! - Its bound to be cheaper and they'll be covered by insurance if they f**k your PSP

  6. #36
    DCEmu Old Pro pkmaximum's Avatar
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    I doubt that a local electronics store for some reason will install the mod chip into your PSP unless it was authentically made from SONY or licenced by SONY otherwise they will probaly not even touch the PSP. And since when would a elctronic store have to solder parts in the PSP to repair it :P I really doubt a electronics store being that nice. But for me I have many friends in college who specialize on this and they will be more than happy to install it for me so its all good

  7. #37
    DCEmu Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voltron

    mog mog mog
    , its time for you to change to 1.50 my friend. It is now possible for 1.50 PSP's to do pretty much everything 2.71 PSP's can and MORE....

    1.) No games require 2.70 or 2.71 yet. Even the NEWEST games just released only require 2.60.

    2.) I can play ALL games ranging from 1.00 - 2.60. There are only a few games that still are not working on 1.50. Like Outrun, WWE, and maybe a couple others. But lets see... what just came out. Cars, Astonishia Story, Tomb Raider, Race Driver 2006, etc. etc. All are 2.60 games and I can play them on my 1.50.

    3.) It is now possible for 1.50 to FULLY emulate 2.50 firmware. And better yet, it can be emulated at 333 MHz making the web browser work faster than you'd ever imagine. I can also use the Location Free player.

    SO you see, 1.50 firmware is the BEST. So I'm thinking the MOD Chip might be geared more towards people who are stuck with higher firmware PSP's.

    Also important to note that I play all games in ISO or compressed ISO form. Some people are against that but it is so much better if you ask me. I have a 2GB mem stick and most games just take up 512MB or less.
    Well you say every game at the moment only needs 2.60, that's alright I guess...

    But do all games...
    1. Work at full speed?
    2. Save without any problems?
    3. Work with wifi exactly how they should?
    4. All work from umd? (not that I prefer battery consuming, slow, scratchable, loosable, autoloading when you don't want it to, UMD anyway!! )

    Also, the only 3 games I really really want at the moment are Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core, Guilty Gear Judgement, and Gran Tourisimo 4...
    Now none of these are out till atleast August... will these still only require 2.6?

    And although I can now go from 1.0 -> 1.5+ and return back to 1.0 without the modchip, I'm still staying with 1.0.

    It should NOT be impossible to change the 1.5 umd loaders to work on 1.0.
    One day, we will have everything 1.5 has; and it would be interesting if MPH gets the modchip and puts 1.0 on his psp.
    We will have your umd loader on our psp's in no time.
    I'll even buy the modchip for MPH if he will do that.

    This is a good example of how the modchip will help homebrew developers.

    And by the way, 1.5 can't do EVERY thing 1.0 can!!
    There are a couple of interesting little things that 1.0 can do which 1.5 can't...
    One example is that 1.5 doesn't have the keys to decrypt sony's bogus 1.0 update, but a 1.0 psp can decrypt it.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by pkmaximum
    I doubt that a local electronics store for some reason will install the mod chip into your PSP unless it was authentically made from SONY or licenced by SONY otherwise they will probaly not even touch the PSP. And since when would a elctronic store have to solder parts in the PSP to repair it :P I really doubt a electronics store being that nice. But for me I have many friends in college who specialize on this and they will be more than happy to install it for me so its all good

    i'm guessing fom your spelling of "specialize" (i.e. with a "Z" ) that you're not from Britain, more likely the U.S?

    like Mr Nick, i am from Britiin, and i have known of *many* small electronics & games stores (indepentent stores) over here which have specifcally offered the services of installing mod-chips, selling pre-modded consoles. fixiing out-of-wanrrenty consoles etc etc so Mr Nick is in fact 100% right imho.

  9. #39
    DCEmu Old Pro mr_nick666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hungry Horace
    i'm guessing fom your spelling of "specialize" (i.e. with a "Z" ) that you're not from Britain, more likely the U.S?

    like Mr Nick, i am from Britiin, and i have known of *many* small electronics & games stores (indepentent stores) over here which have specifcally offered the services of installing mod-chips, selling pre-modded consoles. fixiing out-of-wanrrenty consoles etc etc so Mr Nick is in fact 100% right imho.
    Cheers Horace! Weve got a place called Mr Fixit where I live who would be happy to oblige!

  10. #40
    DCEmu Regular
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    I hate to point out the obvious, but has *ANYONE* actually ever seen one of these Mod Chips in operation? I've been looking high and low for reviews, but all I see is this "Epsilon" group talking about their special Firmware and a chip that nobody has ever had in their hands. There's no reviews and no mention of anyone having a modded and fully function PSP that *DIDN'T* also work for the company that sells them.

    Maybe it's just years of paranoia stemming from numerous internet hoaxes and scams, but has it occurred to anyone that this whole Mod Chip thing might not exist at all. Before you go off throwing $500 on a modded PSP, or $100 + $$$ Labor costs on the chip itself, maybe we should know a bit more about this chip and how well it works.

    And as far as Firmware 2.7 games, try LOCO ROCO! It's only the BIGGEST PSP Title to come out in the last 3 months, and the demo already requires 2.7+ Firmware! I doubt the game will demand anything less.

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