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Thread: How to port?

  1. #1

    Default How to port?

    Hey, I have been wanting to learn C++ for a while now for the main reason for porting to the PSP but I'm not 100% sure where to start. So people can understand what my goal is... it's to make a fully working DosBox port to the PSP.

    I don't expect this to be easy but I'm not the type to go around begging someone to do it for me. I have read Yeldarb tuts but they can't help me since they are outdated and some of the installing directions are messed up due to updates in the program and other things.

    Where would you suggest I start reading to find out how to port other sources (Such as dosbox's) onto the psp?

    Thanks for anyones help on this, I hope to be the first to have a playable DosBox emu on psp
    Also, yes I know there is currently a DosBox port on psp but sadly to say that's far from playable.

  2. #2
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    DOSBOX runs slow on a full fledged desktop. If you want to play Dos games on the PSP, you be better off writing an interprepter for game files (eg SCUMMVM for SCUMM games). OR a better Dos emulator from scratch (not sure that's going to happen either).

    There is no one defenitive guide to port a game/emulator/etc. In short, you grab the source, find the platform specific code and rewrite it for the new target platform.

  3. #3


    DosBox really goes slow on a desktop? I run at 550mhz on one of my computers (Mainly the one I run DosBox on) and have no problems with speed or anything...

    If I really need to prove it to myself I'll go boot up my 222mhz computer and try it on there, I really don't think speed is a problem. I'm sure the code could be changed around too for running on a psp. We have summVM running that the games the run on that take up a bit more then a DOS game don't you think? I'm not tring to be rude or anything but from what I have done DosBox dosen't look to be such a speed demon.

  4. #4
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    ScummVM is focused to run a specific set of games. DosBox is not and is a complete resource hog. Don't forget that the PSP has a different architecture then a PC, so you cant compare CPU speeds mhz for mhz. If you still want to do then go ahead but I don't believe it be worth the time.

  5. #5


    nono, I understand what you mean. But don't you think it would be even harder to make something like scummVM made to run specific games as you suggested? Is writing an interprepter really that hard or am I going to get myself into something that I will never get myself out of? I'm really focusing on Sierra games such as kings quest. I know of a few that run them but I'm looking to get games like KQ6 and lower running.

    Do you know what I mean?

  6. #6
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    I believe there is a Sierra interprepter that could be portable. That would be a much better candidate goal to work towards.

  7. #7


    That's good to know and all but sadly that doesn't support the games that I set out to port. I'm heading more around 1992 games maybe 1990 but nothing below that really.. Thoes games are just too outdated for me and the PSP since most need a keyboard.

  8. #8
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    This is the best I can find:

    Other then that you are on your own.

    Bear in mind you still have to learn C++ first so you are thinking very far ahead (so far that this may not happen until a year from now).

    If it needs a keyboard, then it's up to you as a porter to make a virtual keybard to be used.

    Quote Originally Posted by RemixUnlimited
    I'm really focusing on Sierra games such as kings quest. I know of a few that run them but I'm looking to get games like KQ6 and lower running.

    Do you know what I mean?
    Quote Originally Posted by RemixUnlimited
    That's good to know and all but sadly that doesn't support the games that I set out to port. I'm heading more around 1992 games maybe 1990 but nothing below that really.. Thoes games are just too outdated for me and the PSP since most need a keyboard.
    Regardless of what you want to do, spend a month or two learning straight C++ on the PC. That be a start. You should then have a better idea of how you are going to do what you set out to do in the first place.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    If youve never tryed interpreting something or code eanything before remember it takes teams of 6 sometimes more coders programers music spec and so fore to get a beta ready so think about what one person can do im a beliver evrything is posible but your pushing it there i agree with yaustar

  10. #10


    I know, I just wanted to know really if it was possible. If I got some kind of lead I would problay spend the next 4 months learning C++, I made this thread so I would know or not if it is even woth the time if I'm not going to go anywhere with it.

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