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Pushover is a free remake of the classic game Pushover, from Ocean.



Version 0.0.2 has been released. This release features internationalisation (translations for German are complete, Russian and Czech translations are available butincomplete), graphic replacements for 4 out of 9 themes, original music for 5 out of 9 themes.

We also created 6 new levels in the A&V levelset.

There are some small fixes to the game mechanics that makes the game behave nearly identical to the original

I hopefully fixed an endian problem with the graphics loader

We still need an artist that can recreate the graphics for the ant. So if you think that that could be fun to do, please contact me. I have prepared everything to make it as easy as possible.

Also if you want to translate the texts of Pushover you can contact me. We are using the FreeSans true type font. So as long as you use only glyphs within that font (and stay with left to right writing) there is no problem. If you want right to left text I will need your assistance to program that.