Yes, it has arrived! Earlier this month we discussed 3G4, a Nintendo 64 Emulator for the iPhone. Now, just as we thought, Zodttd has just released his version of a Nintendo 64 Emulator, dubbed 'n64iphone'. This is an early release version. Everything is included except save states and landscape screen modes. You can still save games via a memory card / eeprom saves.

Some games are playable, though some are just not up to spec, either due to graphical glitches or performance issues (3GS would be helpful) . To help with performance, a frameskip config file option has been made available, as well as "load ROM" option for disabling sound output which can sometimes help with glitching.

It is a port of mupen64plus along with Ari64's ARM Dynarec, and Adventus / Orkin's OpenGLES GPU. Since the graphics processing unit (GPU) code is written with the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification, it limits the devices able to be used to the iPhone 3gs and iPod Touch 3rd Gen as of the current Apple lineup.

Controls work either by onscreen display controls + accelerometer…or…by connecting via BlueTooth a Nintendo WiiMote controls and it’s own accelerometer, just like the nes4iphone release.

So keep an open minded approach, as this is still an early release. You can find it on Cydia today for $2.50 on the ZodTTD repo

Features include:

WiiMote support via BlueTooth capable devices!
Fast dynarec CPU emulation!
Sound emulation!
Download to the ROMs directory within the app!
Fast OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics renderer.
Controller overlays are able to be skinned.
Supported ROMs: .n64 .z64
Supported Archives: .zip .7z

Current testings as far as I can tell:
Mario Kart 64 runs real well.
Mario 64 runs real well.
Smash Bros has a graphical glitch where eyes are missing on characters. Perhaps this is due to a bug made in the dynarec porting I did.
Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time runs a bit too slowly but turning on frameskip should help fix that.

Yup, you heard correct. I am currently working on a port of N64 for the iPhone 3gs and iPod Touch 3rd Gen. Why only these two models? Two reasons:
They’re the fastest Apple handhelds in term of raw CPU performance.
They both have a faster GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) which allows for OpenGL ES 2.0 specifications.