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An update of the NES emulator nemulator has been released.


nemulator 2.0 beta 2

* Joystick support (non-analog joysticks only, see nemulator.ini)
* Menus: On the game selection screen, use A to select a game, B to bring up the menu. In-game, press start+select to bring up the menu.
* Fullscreen mode configurable via nemulator.ini
* Configurable reset and menu delay behavior (thanks to Alexander Rojas for the suggestions!)
* Fixed bug that caused crashes when quitting while in fullscreen mode

nemulator 2.0 beta 1

nemulator 2.0 development started in 2008 simply in order to switch from DirectDraw to Direct3D (both to fix compatability issues with Vista and as a learning experience). Along the way, it morphed into what you see today. The GUI is the primary feature of nemulator 2.0, but there are a ton of changes under the hood including improved mapper support, an improved sound engine, and many bug fixes.

nemulator 1.0

nemulator development started in 2003 and was worked on, sporadically, through 2008.