That failed terrorist attack yesterday might make international flights a whole lot less enjoyable. Twitter is buzzing about the new security measures in place at airports. Among the comments: no electronics allowed.
The New York Times is reporting that no one will be able to move from their seats during the last hour of flight. That means no bathroom breaks, no accessing caryy-on luggage, nothing. When that plane starts descending, you're planted.
Multiple sources, among them Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing, are also reporting that no electronics are allowed during international flights. None. So you can't even play video games or listen to music to distract yourself from how badly you have to pee.
From what we can tell, this is largely restricted to international flights. TSA hasn't made any announcements yet either, so hopefully the restrictions will be less severe once the official policy becomes clearer. I wouldn't count on it though.
So much for using those free in-flight Wi-Fi codes we told you about. [Business Insider, New York Times, @xenijardin]

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