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Thread: NEOGEO Emulator for PSP beta 2

  1. #31
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Gameplay very smooth for most game, only if sound will there.........

  2. #32
    DCEmu Rookie
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    KOF 2003 and Metal Slug 5, work great

  3. #33
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by oninotsume
    I was just looking at the authors homepage, and he posted a beta 2 bug fix. (eboot only) that apparently lets games like Metal Slug 3, etc. run.
    So do we just replace the other Eboot with this one?

  4. #34
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oninotsume
    I was just looking at the authors homepage, and he posted a beta 2 bug fix. (eboot only) that apparently lets games like Metal Slug 3, etc. run.

    So do we just replace the other Eboot with this one?
    Yes you just replace the PBP you downloaded here in this web with the one from the link.

  5. #35
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thanks Acidburn05 your always helping us clueless guyz out! lol

  6. #36
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Yes sengoku3 work now

  7. #37
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIStER
    Thanks Acidburn05 your always helping us clueless guyz out! lol
    No problem always here to help we all started from nothing at one point right eany help i can give im here or pm me. That goes for eany body.

    Cause im no prune

  8. #38

  9. #39
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by mameuser
    WOW and i thought NJ said he lost interest in this project...2 bug fixes in one day,just shows how determined a person can be.Keep up the GREAT work NJ!!!

  10. #40
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    Guys, he hasn't lost motivation for this. It's just a temporary lack of enthusiasm.

    The other news posts from NJ's website:
    <div style="width:95%; margin: auto; margin-top: 1%; margin-bottom: 1%; padding: 2%; background-color:rgb(230,230,230); border: thin black solid">binary Download beta 2<ul><li>Although I haven't made fixes to my own satisfaction, it looks as though the next release may be a few months down the road (at worst a few months), so I went ahead and updated it.
    There are numerous changes, so please read readme.txt.</li></ul>binary Download beta 2 bugfix 2 (just the EBOOT.PBP)<ul><li>This is a fix for games such as mslug3 whose screens weren't displaying.
    Only the EBOOT.PBP is included, so please download</li></ul><del style="color:red">I don't think that this works with the Debug BIOS, so please be forewarned.</del> - Fixed(operation hasn't been confirmed)<ul>*I've done a light check and can't seem to find any problems.<li style="list-style: none">For the time being, these are my plans for the future (as these also pertain to NCDZPSP, I'll be operating on them in parallel).</li><li style="list-style: none">1.Fix the timer processing.</li><li style="list-style: none">2.Fix the Z80 core.</li><li style="list-style: none">3.Fix the sound processing.</li>The next release (planning on Release Candidate 1) as soon as these changes are completed. This will probably take quite a bit of time, so please wait patiently.</ul></div>Change to the readme file: (the portions I haven't translated should be the same as the previous version)
    <div style="width:95%; margin: auto; margin-top: 1%; margin-bottom: 1%; padding: 2%; background-color:rgb(230,230,230); border: thin black solid">beta 2 What's changed

    A lot's changed. I've forgotten what's been changed, so I'll just write done the things I can remember. I'm planning the release candidate next, and unless there's some sort of a dramatic development, I expect that'll be a few months down the road.<ul><li>I've made it so that games which couldn't load due to lack of memory can now load without sound. It's nessecary to convert the file with the file converter. However, even though they launch, they're far from playable. Also, as of present, I have absolutely no plans to make it so that you can play them with sound.</li><li>Due to what I mentioned above, I've updated the ROM converter. It's nessecary to convert encrypted ROMs as well. Also, for the time being, I've made it so that you can perform conversion on small sized games as well. As it looks as though the file select dialog doesn't display on Windows 9x OS', I've updated the compiler to VC6. Also, I've made it so that zip files can be converted by simply dragging and dropping them on romcnv.exe.</li><li>Since I discovered that there's a bug in CZ80, I've updated it to MAME's Z80. I plan to revert to CZ80 as soon as the fixes are completed.</li><li>I've changed the timer processing. Accordingly, the problem with Crossed Swords, and a number of other games, where the framerate would drop dramatically has been fixed.</li><li>By fixung the sound processing, the problem with the BGM playing back at a slower speed than previous versions has been fixed. There's still situations where the tempo slows down but, at the present state this is the best possible solution without having an effect on the gameplay. Since it's pretty time-consuming, it'll be a way off before a solid solution is found.</li><li>I've made the SRAM save format the same as MAME's format. Accordingly, all of the old files will be deleted. Also, I've made it so that all of the SRAM files are deleted in the event that the BIOS is changed.</li><li>By making a few adjustments to the feature used for debugging the sound, I've made it so that you can perform a sound test. Since it's exceedingly simplistic, there's only a function for playing back BGM. In the file browser, select the file you'd like to use and press the ? button to launch it.
    <ul><li style="list-style: none">? Button: Play the selected track number</li><li style="list-style: none">? Button: Stop a track while it's playing.</li><li style="list-style: none">? Button: End the sound test.</li><li style="list-style: none">L Trigger: Change the PSP clock (initial setting is 333MHz)</li><li style="list-style: none">R Trigger: Display help</li></ul>
    There's a list used in track playback added inside the music folder. An English display list is under music/en. Please copy the folder for Japanese display by decompressing and copying it to the music folder. If there's a Japanese list, it is given display presidence. If a list can't be found, it loads music/default.lst. However, there are still lots of bugs with sound refresh, so, even with a list, due to bugs in the emulation, it may not play back correctly or at all. I deffinately haven't setup every single game, so please create missing ones on your own. The format is as follows.
    <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 style="margin-top:1%"><tr><td valign="top">$title</td><td>: Enter the game name to be displayed in the title bar.</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">$samplerate</td><td>: Specify the playback rate. Please enter either 11025, 22050, or 44100. All of the included lists are at 22050.</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">$pre</td><td>: Enter a 2 digit bank 16 base number, etc.. to be added before the playback command. For most games, "07" should be fine.</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">$stop</td><td>: Enter a code used to stop playback of the track as a 2 digit 16 base number. I think that for most games, entering "03" for the reset code, and "20" for the stop code should work fine.</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">$start</td><td>: Declares the beginning of the track list.</td></tr><tr><td valign="top">$end</td><td>: Declares the end of the track list.</td></tr></table>The track list should be entered between $start and $end. Please don't enter blank lines or comments. The processing is pretty rough so it'll freeze. The format is, after the 2 digit 16 base number, the track name is written in between to half-width space characters.<ul><li style="list-style: none">Example)
    $title=Metal Slug
    02 Neo Geo Logo
    2b The Military System
    2c Nazca Logo
    $end</li></ul>Incidentally, a large portion of the included track list was made by referencing Mame E2J's Bridge M1 list.</li></ul></div>

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