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Thread: Beware of Fake Downgraders

  1. #31
    PSP User shinysuitman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shunsai
    yeh, don't let the appearances fool you. i'm sure there are hundreds of others out there like me who scan the posts covertly for months until they just can't sit still anymore. but thanx for the welcome.
    Yep i know how you feel... i am one of those people too. started watching the site around june 05 and just joined this year

  2. #32
    DCEmu Newbie
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    So the first homebrew for 2.6 is a bricker? Thats really depressing.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by gizmo356
    why do idiots do this fake stuff
    im with you dood why wud anyone want to do this to people i guess they get their rocks off to screwing people over well any way people there is really no reason to downgrade now becuz of the great news of kernal mode on 2.6 so even if a downgrader is ever released for 2.6 ill more then likly never try it becuz i love my "working" 2.6 psp and id be one mad mofo if i bricked it soo people dont worry about downgrading, becuz in my mind theres really no need for it since the awsome news of kernal mode well unless you really want to be a 1.5 user and take that risk of bricking your psp

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Addictedd
    if there are fake downgraders then don't post them on the news?

    not to be $#@!y, but it's quite a simple solution.
    sorry for the double post but anyway the reason they post them is so people know that they are fakes and or legit and not posting them is a problem id rather them be posted so that i know about it so please never stop posting news about fakes so that people that are new to homebrew know not to use these fake downgraders and this is why i love this site becuz you keep all of us informed about the latests and greatest[in the case of this topic not so great ] psp news

  5. #35
    Banned Voltron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by razorak
    Besides...where i'm from GTA is banned and let's just say the censorship here is pretty it those pics, videos or language...
    Yeah man, where the hell are you from?

  6. #36
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Yeah how can something on a 2.6 psp access flash0 on the current gta eboot loader work? the update for the eboot loader to access kernel has not been released yet

  7. #37
    DCEmu Newbie
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    some simple info as some are asking how can it brick if it is unable to access kernel mode.

    First off, it can access kernel mode as show by the example which reads kernel memory into a simple dump, thus, anyone with half a brain can make an EBOOT file that uses code to instead of read data from kernel access, *attempt* to write over the flash with the previous firmware 1.5 My *guess* is that this is the simple process they are using. Looking at many of the example source codes, creating such an EBOOT would not be hard given the kernel access code.

    There is kernel access as proven by the POC released earlier to 2.01+ firmwares, the only change is that instead of just dumping the memory, someone implimented a force overwrite of the firmware, or simply wrote garbage to brick on purpose. My *guess* once again, is that they tried to do a force overwrite of the firmware, which will not work in most cases.

    As it stands, it CAN brick your PSP, because it is accessing the kernel mode the same way the kernel dump is, instead of dumping however, it is accessing flash0/1 which is acceptable once you have kernel access.

    As for information about the GTA:LCS launching the firmware application while it is unable to work within 2.01+, my guess is that either 1. GTA:LCS does work in 2.01+ because it is launching from GTA NOT firmware, and firmware version wouldnt matter, since no programs can run on the 2.01+ firmware, when trying to launch one of the usual EBOOTS, it would give an error because it is unable to run code. If the EBOOT for kernel mode dumb works in 2.01+ then GTA:LCS EBOOT Loader would be able to launch it like anything. OR 2. It is simply launched from the PSP Shell like any other 1.5/1.0 game =]

    Any questions?

  8. #38
    PS2 User Joe88's Avatar
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    Well a new downgrader cam out...

    June 29, 2006
    2.50/2.60 Downgrader Test v0.4 SOURCE
    Posted by greg

    Update: Dark_AleX has released v0.4 of his 2.50/2.60 downgrader source code. The download link below has been updated to reflect v0.4.

    v0.4 Changes:

    * Added Mkdir (This was a CRITICAL error. Thanks for pointing it out)

    * Added some more security checks, and a check to see if the psp is connected to AC.

    * Moved IoMkdir to a previous functions, since it existed the possibility that the first file wasn’t flashed correctly.

    * Removed all display functions. According to my tests with the port of prxdecrypter, using the pspDebugScreen functions in kernel mode in 2.XX can freeze your psp randomly in any time.

    * Removed the check for the AC adaptor: it wasn’t working properly. It will be added later again.

    * A little add to change the “flash8″ in inputfilelist again to flash0

    * Some other minor fixes

    * Note: currently if the ioassign fails, there is a brick because the format was done prior to the assignment.

    Renown homebrew author, Dark_AleX, released an experimental downgrader yesterday which we refrained from posting at PSP Hacks as it reportedly bricked many PSPs, as per Josh and his bad luck. Today Dark_AleX has released the Downgrader Test v0.2 source code - no binaries, no accidental bricking! This is strictly for the purpose of developers to analyze and advance on for the possibilty of a stable 2.50/2.60 downgrader. Until then, sit tight - don’t try and downgrade your PSP just yet.

    Quoted from the readme.txt:

    The downdater is mostly confirmed not to work. I update a slightly modified source code. It should be relatively more secure. I don’t provide the binaries.

    I found two glitches in the code:

    1) The restart function… Originally it was intended for a restart, but it did nothing, making possible that if some premature error before doing the real thing failed to continue the real downdate process. Now it will cause an on-purpose exception (this only will happen either at the begginiing before the unsecure code begins or at the end, when all is finished)

    2) Now I’ve re-assigned the flash device after the logical format. Probably more secure.

    Download Downgrader Test v0.4 Source Code
    Well I dont know who is willing to try this...
    But I have a 1.50 PSP so it really doesnt affect me but my other PSP is a 2.50

  9. #39


    yo why do people have to do this crap they shouldnt post downgraders unless they tested it the people who make em should grow some balls seriously or take responsibility for it er sometin its kinda makin me mad really

  10. #40
    PS3 User Gizmo356's Avatar
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    well try it but i wouldnt because i would love too have 2 psps

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