This news is near on a month old but ive only just found it on ps2dev forums so here goes:

News from Sashz:

Current release is here: It uses lxde as desktop environment. PS3Boot is included. To boot from CD burn ISO image or unzip archive to boot from memory card.

What news:
Midori 0.2.1 (WebKit based webbrowser)
Ekiga 3.2.6 (SIP audio/video phone)
Pidgin 2.6.3
gcc 4.4.2

* Leafpad
* Terminal
* Image viewer
* mtPaint
* Ekiga
* Midori
* Pidgin
* Transmission
* XChat
* AbiWord
* Gnumeric
* ePDFViewer
* Audacious
* Mplayer
* Geany

LiveCD also includes ppu-gcc and spu-gcc (gcc 4.4.2).

Boot options:
noswap - disable swap in vram
video=ps3fb:mode:N - set video mode N. Default mode 3

Connect to network:
Default DHCP is used. There is no network utility for manual settings yet.

Connect to wireless network:
Click on interface wlan0 network icon. If wireless networks is detected, choose preferred from the list. For private network you need enter password.

Bluetooth bluez installed.

More details is here: