Dop-IOS MOD updated to v10 by Arikado, giantpune, and Lunatik

Dop-IOS MOD is a modification of the application Dop-IOS that allows you to choose which IOS you would like to use to install other IOSs (with the trucha bug if you like), channels, and system menus. It also allows you to install a patched IOS 36 to use to install fakesigned content if you don't have any other usable IOSs like Trucha Bug Restorer does.

Fixed a bug which caused the gamecube controller to work incorrectly in some places
Fixed bugs which prevented the classic controller from correctly working in some places
Fixed the section that can install an IOS that accepts fakesigning for Wiis which lack one by implementing the entirety TBR
The internet channel now installs correctly
Removed the nintendo channel (just grab it through your shop channel instead)
The application will now install content from an external device if found before attempting to download content from NUS
Added an option on the main menu to detect and delete stubbed IOSs
Added an option on the main menu to display information about your Wii's boot2 version
The banner of the application now keeps track of the SVN version it is based on
Compiled under the newer libogc, libfat, and devkitPPC releases

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