Amazon's UK arm is asserting that both the higher-spec 60Gb and lower spec 20Gb versions of PS3 will launch on these shores, grinding an unofficial boot into doubts that the less expensive of the PS3 packs wouldn't release in old Blighty.

A question mark was raised over UK release plans for the 20Gb PS3 back in May, when Sony chief Ray Maguire spoke about the next-gen console in an interview with trade mag MCV. "The lower-end 20Gb version of PlayStation 3 has no wi-fi, no HDMI and none of the other slots in it, so it's really a question of where we would position it," Maguire said at the time, opining, "It's more likely that we will only launch the 60Gb version."

According to Amazon though, the 20Gb 'standard' version of PS3 will release in the UK on January 26, 2007. No price point is given.

At the time of writing, we were unable to get hold of Sony for comment on the 20Gb PS3's appearance on Amazon UK, but according to reports, the company's labelled the e-tailer listing as pure speculation, adding that the fate of the lower-spec package - in terms of a UK release - remains undecided.