Mind control is one way to control tomorrow's gadgets. Here's another equally cool, equally complex way: Controllers that involve nothing but the electrical impulses taking place everyday in our muscle tissue.
The system uses a series of connectors attached to an armband that leverages Electromyography (EMG). As you can see in the video, this creates a system that translates the electrical activity found in our muscles into instructions for a computer. Or Guitar Hero.
The system in the video is shown as a forearm version, but further patent reading reveals a completely wearable network of sensors that would adorn a user's head, arms and legs. Like I said, the tech is, comparatively speaking, relatively simple—it is the implementation of said tech that's almost limitless.
Air guitar is only the beginning, although we'd need to be extraordinarily aware of our gestures and arm movements should a system become more mainstream, don't you think? [Muscle Computer Interfaces via Engadget]

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