Every year around this time, the Queen's New Year Honours list is released, honouring those from the United Kingdom who are, well, worth being honoured. This year, plenty of video game types made the cut.
The founders of Sports Interactive, Oliver and Paul Collyer, have been given MBEs (a member of the Order of the British Empire) in recognition of their company's work on first the Championship Manager series and, more recently, the Football Manager franchise.
Other games industry representatives named include Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens, who was made a Commander of the British Empire, and Paul Jackson, formerly of Electronic Arts and currently of ELSPA (the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association), who can now put OBE after his name (as an Officer of the British Empire).
Note, Americans: the titles are honorary. None of the above will actually be commanding the British Empire.
Sports Interactive founders given MBEs [Develop]

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