Powerline network solutions have been getting better and better, with Belkin's Powerline HD hitting a whopping 1000Mbps. Monster's newly announced PowerNet 1G claims it can achieve three times that speed.
When it works (and that's not necessarily something you should assume), power line communication basically lets you use your home's electrical system as a wired network, which is a way better option than scrabbling around in walls trying to get ethernet to every room. The problem most recently has been speed, but if Monster's claim is accurate—up to 3000Mbps—you definitely wouldn't have to worry about it. They're playing it up for 1080p streaming to consoles, Blu-ray players and the like.
I didn't get a chance to test out the PowerNet 1G, (release date is still to be decided) but those are some pretty bold claims. We'll see if they can deliver. It'll cost $300 upon release. [Monster]

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