Doesn't look like cutting a bunch of plastic out of the standard game cases did much for anyone's Greenpeace ratings. The environmental advocacy group released its quarterly rankings of electronics companies, again tsk-tsking Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.
Nintendo, I guess because it goes whaling in its spare time or something, again clocked in with a 1.4 on Greenpeace's scale o' ten - worst not just among game makers, but among all electronics makers surveyed. OK, it's actually because the company doesn't provide the kind of information Greenpeace needs/demands to build this list. The score was unchanged from last quarter.
Microsoft received a 2.4, down from its last quarterly score of 2.7, for "failing to support strong chemicals legislation." Sony maintained its middle-of-the-road 5.1 "but needs to lobby for stronger chemicals legislation."
I don't know if the so-called "green cases" had anything to do with the rankings - it seems Greenpeace is taking into account decisions, leadership and positions on environmental policy at a much larger level. But this was the first quarter with the more enviro-friendly cases, and in addition to freaking out gamers who think their games are going to be crushed, they weren't such a hit with the keepers of the pearly green gates either.
How the Companies Line Up [Greenpeace]

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