Kuo Design has rounded up an impressive collection of magazine covers bearing Jobs's face. Watch him as he loses hair; puts on weight, loses weight; has a brief flirtation with a bow tie, moustache, Sheryl Crow. Poor guy.
Is that...is that a bow tie Jobs is wearing there?
The Full House parody.
Jobs went through a heavy Kraftwerk era.
Promo from Jobs's Chinese gangsta movie.
Jobs was a secret New Wave fan, Gates, well...he was going through a rough time.
Geppetto's creation.
I like this, his long hair looks silky-smooth.
Buy this iPod...or I will shoot lasers from my eyes.
Did they photoshop Jobs's head on Ive's body?
Jobs is given the Warhol treatment.
After a hard day at work, Jobs likes nothing better than to have Gates give him a rub-down.
"How he plans to save the music biz"...with Sheryl Crow?
Steve throws a curveball.
That mustache is definitel a risk.

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