I've heard of people making claims about "electromagnetic allergies," but so far, no one has been able to prove that this is an actual, physical ailment. Still, Santa Fe resident Arthur Firstenberg was forced into homelessness by his neighbor's gadgets.
In fact, Firstenberg is suing his neighbor for refusing to turn off their cellphone, wifi, computers and other electronics:
Firstenberg "cannot stay in a hotel, because hotels and motels all employ wi-fi connections, which trigger a severe illness," says the request for a preliminary injunction. "If (Firstenberg) cannot obtain preliminary relief, he will be forced to continue to sleep in his car, enduring winter cold and discomfort, until this case can be heard." The case has been assigned to state District Judge Daniel Sanchez, who has yet to set a hearing.
I'm not saying that this guy isn't suffering and that wifi allergies aren't real (I'm only insinuating that it isn't real—big difference), but it's some bull$#@! to tell a neighbor that they can't have any electronics working in their own home. Wear a tinfoil hat or get some damn electromagnetic field-blocking paint. [TMC via DSL Reports Image via Flickr]

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