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A new version of OpenTTD has been released. Quote: "OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. OpenTTD is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. For more information, see the file ´COPYING´ included with every release and source download of the game."

1.0.0-beta2 (2010-01-05)
- Feature: Do not delete the rough/rocky status of a tile when it is covered by snow, this allows rocky tiles under snow if you have a variable snowline (r18719)
- Feature: [NewGRF] Add support for custom station foundation graphics (r18708)
- Feature: Allow virtually paying a percentage of the leg profit in feeder chains. This to give the user a better chance to get a feeder system without ´losses´ (r18703)
- Feature: Configurable slope steepness for trains from 0% to 10%, default is 3% as before [FS#3459] (r18674)
- Feature: Allow contour-map to be shown with coloured industries in smallmap [FS#567] (r18665)
- Add [NoAI]: AIEngine::IsBuildable to check if you can build a certain engine (r18687)
- Change: [NoAI] Merge buoy and waypoint functions (r18725)
- Change: [NoAI] AIEngine::IsValidEngine will now also return true when you have at least one vehicle of that type even if you cannot build it anymore (r18687)
- Change: Update Squirrel from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 (r18639)
- Fix: New viewports did not center on the correct position [FS#3414] (r18730)
- Fix: The lock in the company window was only drawn for your own company [FS#3427] (r18729)
- Fix: Some invalid gender/plural indices in strings, which could eventually cause crashes [FS#3480] (r18727)
- Fix: With non-uniform industries the ´supplies´ text when building a station could be incorrect (missing a cargo) [FS#3463] (r18726)
- Fix: Refitting a non-refittable vehicle to it´s default cargotype failed, causing problems for AIs [FS#3475] (r18724)
- Fix: The join station window did not account for scrolling, so if you did scroll the station was not joined with the selected station [FS#3476] (r18713)
- Fix: The wrong town is mentioned in the error when trying to make one way roads of town owned roads [FS#3478] (r18710)
- Fix: Animation buffer for 32bpp-anim blitter was only validated during sprite blitting, other drawing operations did not check it. Initial startup and window resize could therefore lead to crash [FS#3464] (r18709)
- Fix: Enable DrawGroundSpriteAt() to deal with foundations as DrawGroundSprite() does, and use this for drawing one-way-road-signs and clear-land-fences [FS#3467] (r18702)
- Fix: When deleting an industry on water (oil rigs) the tiles on water were not marked dirty (r18700)
- Fix: [NewGRF] GRF parameters were not properly initialised to zero, and not always checked for valid range (r18699)
- Fix: Crash when scrolling to an item removed by filtering in the ´add NewGRF window´ [FS#3471] (r18697)
- Fix: [NoAI] AITile::IsCoastTile returned false for coast tiles with trees on them [FS#3404] (r18696)
- Fix: After a company went bankrupt it was impossible to build a new waypoint close to a deleted one until the grey sign was gone (r18692)
- Fix: Some keys that open windows that want to be located relatively to the toolbars/statusbar could cause a crash when in one of the end game screens [FS#3469] (r18690)
- Fix: In some cases _sl.chs is used when not initialised. As _sl.chs always refers to a single table when initialised replace _sl.chs with the actual table [FS#3470] (r18686)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Tile area of waypoints was not correctly given to NewGRFs in case of multi tile waypoints (r18679)
- Fix: [NewGRF] If an action B did not have a ´data´ string but would print it OpenTTD would segfault [FS#3452] (r18671)
- Fix: Update all tiles when snowline height changes in larger steps than one tile [FS#3455] (r18670)
- Fix: [NoAI] crash when trying to get the order destination of a ´nearest depot´ order [FS#3454] (r18667)
- Fix: Aircraft on the metropolitan airport took a long route to the closest loading pad [FS#3169] (r18661)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Wrong strings drawn for cargo subtype in vehicle details [FS#3443] (r18658)
- Fix: When trying to attach a wagon to an existing free wagon chain, do not attach it to itself [FS#3442] (r18653)
- Fix: [NoAI] When AI tried to create NO_UNLOAD order, GOTO_NEAREST_DEPOT order was created instead [FS#3438] (r18651)
- Fix: [YAPP] Treat the backside of an one-way path signals as a safe waiting point [FS#3430] (r18648)
- Fix: [YAPP] A train inside a station was not always found when checking for trains on a reserved path (r18647)
- Fix: [YAPP] Do not extend the reserved path through a newly built path signal directly in front of a stopped or loading train. Also restore the reserved path in more cases after removing a signal [FS#3418] (r18646)
- Fix: Company league window was too narrow [FS#3434] (r18644)
- Fix: Rotation could not be changed for heightmaps [FS#3436] (r18643)
- Fix: When a company goes bankrupt and has vehicles on a drive through road stop that is not theirs, the ´filled´ cache of the road stops would get corrupted [FS#3432] (r18642)
- Fix: Downloading music sets would fail (r18638)
- Fix: Crash when invalid pointers are left due to saveload failing at e.g. decompressing the savegame [FS#3421] (r18634)
- Fix: When making a screenshot the name of the previous screenshot went missing in the ´successful screenshot´ message and the console command would be shown twice [FS#3419] (r18631, r18630)
- Fix: (un)loading counter being reset while loading a train and changing the (path) signal setup around the station [FS#3422] (r18628)
- Fix: {CARGO} takes 2 parameters, not 1. This made {N:XYZ} commands after CARGO mess up their indices and that then triggered an assertion [FS#3425] (r18626)