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Thread: HELP those in Haiti. Donations for American Red Cross

  1. #1
    Reviews Webmaster/Reviewer bandit's Avatar
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    Home/News HELP those in Haiti. Donations for American Red Cross

    *UPDATE* - 1/29/2010
    You try and do something good and a company ruins it. Due to unforseen circumstances, PayPal has put a limit on my account because I am accepting donations to send the Red Cross. In order for this limitation to be removed, I must provide documentation with proof and other required information. I have contacted American Red Cross and awaiting paperwork. In the mean time, I have ended receiving donations and refunded all donations even though I submitted a donation of $41 to the American Red Cross. With donations being refunded, there will be no contest for the XCM HDMI Blaster. I try to do something good but there is so much legal problems and do not want to risk closing my PayPal. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you to all those who contributed.

    I dont often reach out to the gaming community for help but this is something where the gaming community needs to band together and help humanity. As you all should know by now, Haiti was hit with a major earthquake that leveled the entire country turning hospitals, homes, schools, building into rubble. With shelters demolished, survivors are left on the street in the blistering 90° heat with little to no shelter, scavenging for food and even water. Some officials have calculated 45,000-50,000 are dead. With the lack of water for hydration from the heat, analyst are expecting many more to die if help is not provided.

    All funds will be donated to the American Red Cross:

    Haiti Relief and Development
    On January 12, a series of earthquakes measuring 6.5 to 7.3 on the Richter scale devastated Haiti. The American Red Cross is working with its partners in the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, including the Haitian Red Cross, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster.

    Your gift to the American Red Cross will support emergency relief and recovery efforts to help those people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. Assistance provided by the American Red Cross may include sending relief supplies, mobilizing relief workers and providing financial resources and recovery.

    FOR US & INTERNATIONAL: I have setup a donation section on the left side of DCEmu Reviews' homepage. Many musicians, actors/actresses have donated thousands and even millions of dollar each. Granted, we are not rich like them but any amount is appreciated whether it be a couple of cents, a dollar or even a few dollars. All donations will be made via PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can pay with your credit card. All transactions are secure. I DO NOT see your PayPal account, bank information, credit card number or any personal information.. The only thing I see is your email address and the amount you donated via PayPal. Once we have met our deadline, I will send all donations to American Red Cross on behalf of DCEmu (proof of donation will be documented with screenshots). If you don't feel comfortable using our method of donation, PLEASE go to American Red Cross and donate yourself.

    FOR US ONLY: (with this option, you do not qualify for raffle) Another option is to use your cellphone and send a text message (donation amount will show up on your cellphone bill).

    1. via the Clinton Foundation (, please text “Haiti” to 20222 (to donate $10),
    2. via the American Red Cross (, please text “Haiti” to 90999 (to donate $10) or
    3. via Wyclef Jean’s Yele Haiti Foundation (, please text “Yele” to 501501 (to donate $5).

    So why spend money on games and accessories, when there are people in greater needs and is trying to stay alive. Many families are living on the street next to their crumbled home. Many kids are left on the street looking for food and water and may even have lost their family.

    *UPDATE - 1/26/2010 - We have made our first donation to the American Red Cross

    Click to enlarge image. Image also attached to post.


    For those who do contribute and donate on the homepage (it keeps track of who contributed), I will have a raffle and give away a XCM HDMI Blaster Converter (MSRP $99.99USD) to one (1) lucky winner!!!

    Winner will be chosen randomly from qualified donations and contacted via PM on the DCEmu forums and E-mail. If a winner does not respond within a week a new winner will be picked at random from the other entrants. No purchase necessary. One online entry per person (one e-mail address per person/address). Entry constitutes agreement by winners to be publicized and permission to use each winner's name for the purposes of promotion of the Contest without further compensation. Contest void where prohibited. Odds of winning dependent on number of entrants. No alternative prize will be offered. We reserve the right to issue an alternative prize of the same value should the prize no longer be available.
    Last edited by bandit; January 29th, 2010 at 18:48.
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  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    moved to dcemu announcement page to show on all sites, lets hope our brothers and sisters in Haiti get all the help they so desperately need.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro XDelusion's Avatar
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    It sounds like a nice idea...

    I got a better idea. If you feel really compelled to help. Do as Jesus (Yeshua) might have suggested and sell all or possessions, get your self a plane ticket and go over there and do what you can in the flesh rather than trust another capitalist institute.

    Just my thoughts. Take them or leave them.
    Last edited by XDelusion; January 15th, 2010 at 04:41.

  4. #4
    Reviews Webmaster/Reviewer bandit's Avatar
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    So far, we have accumulated $36! Thank you and keep it up! Any amount is helpful.

    I also believe we're the only gaming website to do so also.

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  5. #5
    Registered User Mr. Shizzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XDelusion View Post
    It sounds like a nice idea...

    I got a better idea. If you feel really compelled to help. Do as Jesus (Yeshua) might have suggested and sell all or possessions, get your self a plane ticket and go over there and do what you can in the flesh rather than trust another capitalist institute.

    Just my thoughts. Take them or leave them.
    If you are going to post something so controversial, then at least make sure you have a legitimate source of your information...

    c0nspiracyplanet.c*m ?? Like stirring up trouble and rumors is not their livelihood...

    EDIT: Bravo to DCEmu for doing their part to help in this disaster!!

  6. #6


    My boss worked very hard trying to guilt everyone into donating to a charity to help, even sitting us down to watch a video of people suffering so i think i've done my little part even if the method was slightly questionable.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro XDelusion's Avatar
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    Shizzy: It would be nice if all the money sent actually went to what it was for, or if people walking in circles really did stop cancer, but alas, life is twisted and there are capitalist, and their are conspirators, and those who would profit off another's suffering. If there were profit in ending poverty, it would be over.

    Then we have the complacent who rather than get up off their butt and do something, send a check to some random group of people in good faith and say,"my what a good boy am I". Or they think they are doing good by thinking positive thoughts...

    I love those who DO get out and care for people. I personally work in a nursing home and have worked with people born with various form of retardation, etc. Not that that makes me special, but I can at least say I'm not putting my foot in my mouth here, I do work on the front line.

    I know the true face of capitalism and I certainly do not trust the Red Cross for a second!!! People don't understand how misery is a quick buck maker at all, they don't seem to understand how quickly much of the world's hunger problems and so forth could be resolved, and they don't realize that the government is paying farmers not to grow crops, that they are being forced to buy seeds yearly and are not legally allowed to just re-used their old seeds form last years crops, they do not understand this era of "scientific" madness an in-humanity with a smile that we are heading into.

    The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he did not exist, but you'll see in time, and I see it every day in just small little ways.

    I.E. The nursing home I work at has stopped ordering wet wipes for the people with hemroids that really need them, because they said the aids were using too many of them and it was costing the company too much. So now they expect the aids to use brittle paper towels and the same wash cloths that they use to give resident's baths to wipe their butts, which does not feel good when you have hemroids, and it's just gross considering we don't even have a sink to propperly flush all the crap off the rag.

    When I lived in AZ they were talking about taking away the free cab rides from the crippled or elderly people that got them. You see the government was paying a way for these people to have free cap rides back and forth to the doctor's office and the like, but as soon as they pulled the legs out from under the economy, they instantly began to talk about shutting down schools and revoking health care plans...

    ...and yet the sporting stadiums still stand...


    Or how about drug tests at work, back ground checks, or the kid who was 18, had sex with his 17 year old girl friend, she tells daddy that she was $#@!d, now 18 year old kid can't ever get work because his record says he is a sexual offender.

    Oh and it is amazing how many God given and Constitutional freedoms are being eroded by insurance companies. And the people can't resist because they don't have a choice. It's either conform or be jobless and homeless.

    ...welcome to the new world order my friend.

    What God wants God gets, there is always going to be events such as this which are very sad, and I wish there was more we could do, but in reality the men who call them selves God, only add more to the natural drama that God makes, and us...

    ...we'll we are distracted by pulp culture and entertainment. We're ambitious little egoists after all, ever eager to feed the hunger of our personal whims...

    ...but there are a few who work according to a higher nature, and their eyes are open.

    And thank God for that!!!! I hope to be one of them some day!!!
    Last edited by XDelusion; January 15th, 2010 at 19:26.

  8. #8
    Reviews Webmaster/Reviewer bandit's Avatar
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    This is not to get all political. If you want to donate, great. If not, move along.
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  9. #9
    Reviews Webmaster/Reviewer bandit's Avatar
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    We have made our first donation to the American Red Cross

    Click on image to enlarge. Image also attached to post.

    Those who have donated have entered a chance to win a XCM HDMI Blaster!
    Last edited by bandit; January 26th, 2010 at 19:10.
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