The electrode-equipped Galvanic Skin Response Bouquet doesn't give the couple much question about wearing their hearts on her sleeve: a blue LED glows when they're calm but a white one turns on when they becomes nervous. But that's not all.
The bride and the groom—who met, appropriately, working on a corset that tightens with heart rate— implemented a variety of biofeedback gear to datalog their big day.
The bouquet is attached to two electrodes, one worn on the Bride's wedding finger, natch, via velcro strap, and the other in a wristband strapped to the groom. The information on their nerves, as well as their heartbeats, is recorded throughout the wedding on a 1GB SD card in the base of the bouquet.

The bride and groom are also equipped with devices to track them via infrared, so they can later check how often they were by one another side throughout the day. I think a photo album will do just fine for me. [GeekPhysical Biometrics via Make]

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