via Kotaku

The ESRB has given Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain an M for Mature rating, explaining the game's drug use, violence, horror, and sexual situations in ridiculous detail. Needless to say, spoilers ahead.

Here's the obligatory paragraph I put in between the lead and the actual rating listing, in order to make sure no one accidentally reads more than they want to and then blames me for ruining the game, global warming, and their parents never really loving them. I just like to make sure my ass is covered, generally with something soft and cottony.

Much of what the ESRB reveals in its expansive rating description we've already seen. We know about the stripping at least, and some of the scenes described have been seen, at least in some part, in various gameplay trailers fluttering around the internet. That having been said, the description does contain bits you'll probably want to experience for yourself. Consider this warning paragraph 3.

If you do decide to read ahead, I think it helps if you imagine the poor ESRB ratings representative who had to sit through all of this, taking notes. One hopes that he or she enjoyed themselves, but you can almost feel them squirming uncomfortably.

More info [and spoilers] at the ESRB website