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Thread: Is Piracy a Big Factor in Todays Consoles

  1. #81
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by AuroEdge
    Piracy is a big deal. It's not like if there was no piracy that game prices would be reduced, you'd be naive to believe game companies would sell games for less than they can get away. However, piracy is unlawful. Does it make sense to try out an iso of a game to see if you like it and subsequently buy it? Maybe. Still wrong though.

  2. #82
    PSP User shinysuitman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MUDD
    .im a pirate and im proud .i wasnt like this untill this post was started now i cant belive i cared at all or felt bad at times ,but not anymore so TY dcemu .
    yeah that is something i forgot to mention. thank you very much DCEMU this really has been a place that i can go and really fully explre the hardware and software of my psp with the help of the rest of the community. it has always been a pleasure coming to this site.

  3. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Psyberjock
    In Nintendo's eyes you're the biggest "assclown" of them all. You steal their game without even buying their console. Not only are you stealing their licensed game, you're not even paying for their hardware to play the stolen game.

    Just because you try to keep people from stealing stuff from Wal-Mart all day does not make you an angel. Besides that, your experience in loss prevention can hardly be compared to internet piracy. People who download something are not neccessarily the same people who steal things from Wal-Mart.

    Think about your arguments a little more then come back to us. You can't confess to and condemn piracy in the same message. That's a very "assclown" thing to do.
    Well I guess its time to one-up you like I did that other kid. For one thing I don't work at Wally World. Keep guessing. And my entire point is exactly what you said. The same people aren't stealing from Wal-Mart that download games. I'm saying that companies shouldn't spend so much of their man hours on shutting down rom sites and stuff as they do on sites that offer items that they are currently making money off of. Thats all. Maybe you only read my first post, then had to so impregnate your sister or whatever. If so, hey thats all you buddy, I'm not gonna rag on your heritage. In my first post I stated that these "certain types of pirates" are what companies should focus on, not pirating in general. How does Microsoft lose money when someone borrows his buddies Windows 98 software to put on an older computer? I tell you how, they don't. But if someone goes and steals Windows XP 64-bit and uses it on their home computer. Then yes Microsoft is losing money and should actively pursue situations. I'm not saying Im an angel either bro. If you check my login name its Damien Arcangel which = Damien(the evil kid on the Omen movies which is the son of the devil) and Arcangel(I kind took out the "h" which would make it Archangel which = anti angel) So don't just look at 3 words of a post and part of my name and then get on here and talk crap cuz your just making yourself look like an inbred jackass. So in turn I'm gonna drop down to your level and say your family multiplies by "keepin it in the family" even though I don't know you or your family.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by damienarcangel
    Well I guess its time to one-up you like I did that other kid. For one thing I don't work at Wally World. Keep guessing. And my entire point is exactly what you said. The same people aren't stealing from Wal-Mart that download games. I'm saying that companies shouldn't spend so much of their man hours on shutting down rom sites and stuff as they do on sites that offer items that they are currently making money off of. Thats all. Maybe you only read my first post, then had to so impregnate your sister or whatever. If so, hey thats all you buddy, I'm not gonna rag on your heritage. In my first post I stated that these "certain types of pirates" are what companies should focus on, not pirating in general. How does Microsoft lose money when someone borrows his buddies Windows 98 software to put on an older computer? I tell you how, they don't. But if someone goes and steals Windows XP 64-bit and uses it on their home computer. Then yes Microsoft is losing money and should actively pursue situations. I'm not saying Im an angel either bro. If you check my login name its Damien Arcangel which = Damien(the evil kid on the Omen movies which is the son of the devil) and Arcangel(I kind took out the "h" which would make it Archangel which = anti angel) So don't just look at 3 words of a post and part of my name and then get on here and talk crap cuz your just making yourself look like an inbred jackass. So in turn I'm gonna drop down to your level and say your family multiplies by "keepin it in the family" even though I don't know you or your family.
    If no One else will say this to you, then I will!

    It's probably for the best if you got over youself!
    BTW: If 'borrowing' a cup'a 98SE wasn't such a big deal then we wouldn't have had to Activate \ install WGA Software now would we?

    But, like I said you need to get over youself and fast. Please BY GOD LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE! Just couse you think it ok, it doesn't mean the rest of us do!!

  5. #85
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    BTW: just in case anyone missed it, Devhook has been updateded to v0.43 and can now run Firmware v2.60. Preety soon we may even be able to run v2.71 too!

    Which will be cool in so far as beeing able to D/L and play the Loco Roco Demo w/requiers you to update to 2.71 first!

  6. #86
    PSP User Psyberjock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damienarcangel
    Well I guess its time to one-up you like I did that other kid. For one thing I don't work at Wally World. Keep guessing. And my entire point is exactly what you said. The same people aren't stealing from Wal-Mart that download games. I'm saying that companies shouldn't spend so much of their man hours on shutting down rom sites and stuff as they do on sites that offer items that they are currently making money off of. Thats all. Maybe you only read my first post, then had to so impregnate your sister or whatever. If so, hey thats all you buddy, I'm not gonna rag on your heritage. In my first post I stated that these "certain types of pirates" are what companies should focus on, not pirating in general. How does Microsoft lose money when someone borrows his buddies Windows 98 software to put on an older computer? I tell you how, they don't. But if someone goes and steals Windows XP 64-bit and uses it on their home computer. Then yes Microsoft is losing money and should actively pursue situations. I'm not saying Im an angel either bro. If you check my login name its Damien Arcangel which = Damien(the evil kid on the Omen movies which is the son of the devil) and Arcangel(I kind took out the "h" which would make it Archangel which = anti angel) So don't just look at 3 words of a post and part of my name and then get on here and talk crap cuz your just making yourself look like an inbred jackass. So in turn I'm gonna drop down to your level and say your family multiplies by "keepin it in the family" even though I don't know you or your family.
    I'm sorry you misunderstood me. Somehow you thought I care about the history of your nick. LOL!

    My reply was based on things that you posted. Now you reply to my post and start saying that I commit incest? You're just adding in lies? Seriously. You should think about that and try to understand that you have totally discredited yourself.

    As for your Windows 98SE comment. If you ask Microsoft, they will tell you that yes, they care. In their eyes your buddy has to use some type of OS and if he is the type that borrows a 98SE CD he's probably not the type to use LINUX. Therefore that's a lost sale on an OS. You can still buy 98SE if you look around hard enough, but I'm sure MS wouldn't mind if he bought something newer.

    Now about rom sites being shut down. If a company tries to stop the pirating of things that you like to steal that's bad, but if they try to stop the pirating of something you don't like, that's ok. Is that what you're trying to say?

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Psyberjock
    I'm sorry you misunderstood me. Somehow you thought I care about the history of your nick. LOL!

    My reply was based on things that you posted. Now you reply to my post and start saying that I commit incest? You're just adding in lies? Seriously. You should think about that and try to understand that you have totally discredited yourself.

    As for your Windows 98SE comment. If you ask Microsoft, they will tell you that yes, they care. In their eyes your buddy has to use some type of OS and if he is the type that borrows a 98SE CD he's probably not the type to use LINUX. Therefore that's a lost sale on an OS. You can still buy 98SE if you look around hard enough, but I'm sure MS wouldn't mind if he bought something newer.

    Now about rom sites being shut down. If a company tries to stop the pirating of things that you like to steal that's bad, but if they try to stop the pirating of something you don't like, that's ok. Is that what you're trying to say?
    Nope thats not what I'm tryin to say. What I am trying to say is this and this only- Companies like Microsoft should look more into people pirating items that they are currently or in future making money off of instead of being so general in the pirating that they try to stop. And I'm also saying the exact same thing you are. Yes they do care if my buddy borrows a Windows 98 disk because his computer is older and can't handle anything else lets not get into technics, lets just say he has a crappy computer that's power is generated by a gerbil running on a wheel.) With that being said, Yes Microsoft does care(which is what you said and I am agreeing with you) if he uses someones else's Windows 98 disk, which I would consider a type of pirating, which is what's being discussed on this board "Is Piracy a Big Factor in Todays Consoles". Now what I am further stating is that if they wouldn't worry about this buddy "pirating" Windows 98 and worry more about someone who s pirating Windows XP 64-bit then maybe Piracy wouldn't be such a big factor in today's consoles, thats all. And furthermore I am also stating that I believe certain types of piracy is a factor in todays consoles. PSP ISOs certainly is beacuse someone didn't buy that game, the publisher is losing a sale and therefore being hurt. But how is Taxan being so completly demolished if I goto some rom site and download a Low G Man rom and play it on my PSP with my NES emulator when its pretty tough to even find the game in its original form short of going on Ebay and paying $200 just to play it on a NES that you can barely get to work because the power light keeps flashing off and on when you put a game in it?

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Ichijoe
    If no One else will say this to you, then I will!

    It's probably for the best if you got over youself!
    BTW: If 'borrowing' a cup'a 98SE wasn't such a big deal then we wouldn't have had to Activate \ install WGA Software now would we?

    But, like I said you need to get over youself and fast. Please BY GOD LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE! Just couse you think it ok, it doesn't mean the rest of us do!!
    No one else will say it to me because A- No one knows what your talking about because your lacking a English 101 class severely. I never said anything about borrowing any cups or even Windows 98SE, I said Windows 98. And "couse?" I don't even know if thats a word. I'll let you slide on the youself thing cuz that could have been a typo. and B- I hopefully make a pretty good argument or C- No one really cares. I'm gonna go with "C" because if I'm not making a good argument, its all good because this board is about opinions, its not a O.J. Simpson Jury Trial.

  9. #89
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    I would have to say that the only system that is regularly pirated is the Sony PSP, because Sony has kept the Homebrew scene on 1.5 firmware, there has never been a rectification of the ability to use ISO's (easily downloaded) on their PSP's
    If Sony were to make a new firmware with the ability to play homebrew games, but without the ability to use ISO's, then they'd probobly stop someone.
    But piracy is just so simple on a PSP, every other new system I can think of is alot more complicated to pirate on, system 1.0 XBOX had the softmod, PS1-PS2 can use breaker pro, but all others require a modchip, and many people dont mod their xbox's and ps2's (plus the ISO's are just hard to find).

  10. #90
    DCEmu Newbie nathan1974au's Avatar
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    why are pirates pirates because they "RRRRR"

    I'm an avid pirate since the commodore 64 days
    I've pirated the amiga, atari st, super nintendo, playstation 1 + 2 , pc games, dvd's, video's,gameboy color, gameboy advance, and now nintendo ds for fun what the hey!!!!

    all for fun and to be able to experience the full spectrum of gaming and enjoyment.
    what's the use of having one game in your collection that cost you $80, only to sell it after you have had enough of it only getting $5 back
    what a waste of money better to pirate it get it for free.

    90% of pirates don't sell games for money only to copy them for there self gain. having 103 pirate games means you have $10,000.00+ of games
    for free but they are worth nothing.

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