The tumorific Motorola MOTOROI, first spotted heading to Korean shores earlier this month, could be coming Stateside soon (via T-Mobile), if a filing with the FCC is to be believed.
We brought you the details earlier this month, but for those averse to clicking here's a recap:
Running on Android 2.0, it's got native apps multitouch on that 3.7-inch WVGA screen, takes photos with an 8-megapixel camera, records video in 720p, and has an HDMI out and a T-DMB TV tuner for watching 24 of South Korea's channels. 8GB of storage and a microSD card slot are pretty decent for storage options, and just like with its older brother the Droid, it comes with a docking station.
The smoking gun, if you will, that says this is the Korea-only MOTOROI we spied earlier is the fact that the FCC filing does not make mention of a slider. It also uses the Sholes codename for this phone, as well as a "T-Mobile friendly 1700 / 2100MHz HSPA," says Engadget.
These bits of evidence, taken together, all but confirm T-Mobile will be the carrier that brings the phone to the U.S., possibly by March. [FCC via Cell Phone Signal via Engadget]

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