Bungie continues to drip-feed Halo fans morsels on the progress of super-hotly anticipated Halo 3, and despite last week's July 4 celebrations in the US meaning "limited platytests" with the sequel, a brief bit of news still managed to make it into the dev's most recent weekly update.

What's new? Well, after quick mention of a brief but exciting encounter with the Halo 3 campaign that involved "lots of driving" in the update, the developer's gone on to focus on Halo 3's user interface, which has "come on in leaps and bounds". Formerly worked on independently of the actual game, the user interface has now been incorporated "so you can use it like a regular game interface for most things", Bungie's explained.

As it stands now, the interface is designed to make it very simple to get to a 'lobby' and make all necessary changes from there - so that you can customize your experience, appearance, and more importantly, really specific game types from anywhere," the developer's added. "Folks who've played a lot of custom games know that it is very frustrating when the 'Quick Options' selection just isn't enough to get all the options you want in a game type. You won't have to worry about that from now on. And you can also change your controller setting from anywhere, at any time. That one was a given, right?"

Apparently, this is all "the barest kernel of what to expect from the new UI", Bungie saying that lots of goodies will be added to it. It's a new user interface that won't be immediately familiar to fans of the Halo series, but the developer's ensuring that the UI's intuitive and as such its operation will quickly become second nature.

More titbits on Halo 3 in Bungie's next weekly update, no doubt.