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Thread: gameboy emulation and flashing

  1. #1

    Default gameboy emulation and flashing

    Hi everyone,

    I'm totally new to gba and ds emulation (having just bought a ds lite), and am struggling to take in all of the info available. Apologies if these questions are answered elsewhere, i've had a good search around and haven't found answers. I'd really appreciate it if someone were kind enough to take the time to help me.

    Firstly, i'm looking at getting an m3-perfect mini sd (or possibly waiting for a micro version) with passcard 3. Am i right in thinking that the passcard eliminates the need for flashing?

    Secondly, one of the things i'd really like to be able to do with my ds is play my old gameboy and gbc games. Are there any decent options for this? the only emulator i've been able to find is GBonGBA, which apparently has poor compatibility and doesn't support GBC games anyway.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    If you want to emulate Gameboy games, try Goomba, Unofficial Goomba or Goomba Colour. However, Goomba Colour still has some bugs and doesn't play every game... So I think you should still use your GBC/GBA. ^_^''
    I've tried Goomba with Super Mario Land 1/2, DK Land 2, Pokemon Blue and Wario Land and everything seemed to work fine, except DK Land 2, which has some graphics glitches. (If it's too slow, try turning off VSync)

    If you use a passcard, you don't need FlashMe (which you can only run with a Passcard/PassMe). You just need it if you want to run DS apps from your GBA card without any PassMe/NoPass device (and if you want to void the warranty).

    Also, I don't know if you want to use the mini SD version, because I've read about some homebrew apps not being compatible with the SD version of a card. (But I don't know this for sure)

    (BTW, I'm also new to this. Just try searching this forum or google next time.)

  3. #3


    Your best option is to get the Max Media Launcher. It simple to use for even the most computer illiterate people.

  4. #4
    DS LUA Coder Junixx's Avatar
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    The Max Media Launcher is the same as a Passcard 3, and getting a M3 Compact Flash adapter is your best bet to getting the most compatibility

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    Max Media Launcher sucks..

    If you want a decent deal with decent shipping (what I got) for an M3 CF and Passcard 3, go to and in the search box on the left column...

    type m3cfpc3 it cost me about 140 CAD, and in USD, about $101+$10+$6.45. $10 is shipping, $6.45 is delivery conformation. It's not good, but about 3-5 days until it comes... I should have it very soon.

  6. #6


    Thanks for the advice guys. Sanjuro: Goomba looks more promising than the gb emulator i'd found; and the site you've linked to seems to be what i was really looking for, a decent list of available emulators. Thanks!

    I'll probably go for the m3-mini despite the compatibility issues; by all accounts it's still better for homebrew compatibility than the ez-flash IV lite (which was the other option i was considering), but is still reasonably compact enough so that the Lite doesn't end up looking like Thor's hammer. I've heard that the datel stuff isn't up to the same standard, but it's interesting to find out that the media launcher is identical to passcard- i'll check that out as it's cheaper.

    Thanks again folks.

  7. #7


    Homebrew Hunter: thanks for the link, they've got a good price on the mini as well. Wheres that shipping price for? UK?

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    From what I remember, Max Media Launcher doesn't like sleep mode.

    And 10 for US. Where I am.

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